1.  Which one of the following is not a form of chemical bonding?

covalent bonding
hydrogen bonding
ionic bonding
metallic bonding


2.  Which one of the following statements about positive ions is incorrect?

they are also known as cations
they are formed when electrons are removed from atoms
they are larger than the atom from which they were formed
they are smaller than the atom from which they were formed


3.  Which one of the following statements about negative ions is incorrect?

they are also known as anions
they are formed when atoms gain electrons
they are larger than the atom from which they were formed
they are smaller than the atom from which they were formed


4.  Which of the following equations represents the 1st Ionisation Energy of sodium?

Na(s)  --->  Na+(g)   +   e-
Na(g)  --->  Na+(g)   +   e-
Na(s)  --->  Na+(s)   +   e-
Na(s)  +   e- --->  Na+(g)


5.  Which of the following equations represents the 2nd Ionisation Energy of sodium?

Na(g)  --->  Na2+(g)   +   2e-
Na(s)  --->  Na2+(g)   +   2e-
Na+(s)  --->  Na2+(g)   +   e-
Na+(g)  --->  Na2+(g)   +   e-


6.  Which of the following successive ionisation energies belong to a Group II element?

320, 600, 1110, 1700, 5650

577, 1820, 2740, 11600, 14800
428, 3070, 4600, 5860, 7990
736, 1451, 7740, 10500, 13600


7.  Which one of the following pairs atoms is most likely to form an ionic bond?

Na and F
C and F

N and F
O and F


8.  Aluminium is in Group III. Its oxide will have the formula...



9.  Which of the following statements about sodium chloride is incorrect?

it has a high melting point
it conducts electricity at room temperature
it is soluble in water
it is brittle


10.  The structure normally associated with ionic bonding is...

a giant lattice
a simple molecule
a giant molecule
a regular arrangement of ions surrounded by a sea, or cloud, of electrons


11.  Covalent bonds are least likely to be formed...

between atoms of the same element
between atoms of different elements on the right of the periodic table
by head of the group elements with high ionisation energies
between an element in Group I and an element in Group VII


12.  In which one of the following does the central atom not possess an 'octet' in its outer shell?



13.  Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces are also known as...

dipole-dipole interactions
hydrogen bonds
covalent bonds
van der Waals forces


14.  Which of the following statements is incorrect?

the greater the number of electrons in a molecule, the greater the van der Waals forces
the layers in graphite are held together by van der Waals forces
the boiling point of noble gases increases down the group
water has a higher than expected boiling point because of intermolecular van der Waals forces


15.  The correct order of increasing attractive strength for weak intermolecular forces is...

dipole-dipole interaction, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces
van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interaction, hydrogen bonding
hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interaction, van der Waals forces
hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interaction


16.  Which one of the following correctly describes the trend in electronegativity?

increases across a period and decreases down a group
decreases across a period and decreases down a group
increases across a period and increases down a group
decreases across a period and increases down a group


17.  Which of the following molecules has no net dipole moment?



18.  Which one of the following exhibits intermolecular hydrogen bonding?



19.  Which one of the following is not true of water?

in ice each water molecule is bonded to four others
water molecules have a high boiling point due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding
ice has a structure similar to that of diamond
water has a maximum density at 1ºC


20.  Which of the following is not a macromolecule?



21.  Which of the following statements about graphite is not true?

the coordination number of carbon atoms is 4
the carbon atoms are arranged layers
the layers in graphite are attracted to each other by weak forces
the carbon atoms use only three of their four outer electrons for covalent bonding


22.  Which one of the following statements about diamond is not true?

the coordination number of carbon atoms is 4
diamond is an isotope of graphite
diamond has a high melting point
diamond has a rigid, tetrahedral structure


23.  Which of the following pairs do not form a dative covalent bond to each other?

NH3 and H+
H2O and H+
NH3 and BF3
CH4 and AlCl3


24.  A Lewis base is a...

lone pair acceptor
lone pair donor
proton acceptor
proton donor


25.  A compound is more likely to be covalent if the...

cation has a small size and a high charge
anion has a small size and a high charge
cation has a large size and a small charge
anion has a small size and a small charge

26.  Which of the following has the greatest covalent character?


27.  Which of the following has the greatest covalent character?


28.  Which one of the following is not true of metallic bonding?

it gives rise to excellent electrical conductivity
electrons are free to move throughout the structure
the strength of metallic bonds increases down a group
the strength of metallic bonding affects the boiling point of metals

29.  Which one of the following statements about the melting point of metals is true?

sodium has a lower melting point than potassium
sodium has a higher melting point than magnesium
potassium has a higher melting point than rubidium
lithium has a lower melting point than sodium

30.  Which one of the following statements about the three states of matter is incorrect?

in solids the particles vibrate about fixed positions
energy is released when a gas turns back to a liquid
particles in gases move in a random manner
the closer particles are together, the smaller the force of attraction between them